The American Boxer Club's Code of Ethics
This CODE OF ETHICS (Articles I through IV) is set forth as a guideline to protect and advance the interests of Boxers and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, obedience trials and tracking events, including a respect for people and dogs. It is presented as a guideline for American Boxer Club members to follow when breeding, buying, selling or competing and exhibiting their Boxers.
Members of the American Boxer Club will conduct themselves in such a manner as to reflect credit on the sport of purebred dogs and on Boxers in particular, regardless of the location or circumstances.
AKC Rules and Regulations and THE AMERICAN BOXER CLUB BY-LAWS should be known and adhered to at all times. It is important to know the current Standard of the Breed.
Breed only with the intention of improving the breed.
2. Breed only from healthy, sound, typey individuals who display good sound temperament and qualities, which are free of known disqualifying faults.
3. All dogs offered at stud should be in good health. They should be free from Canine Brucellosis and other communicable diseases as well as disqualifying genetic faults. A written Stud Contract is essential and it should state that the owner of the Stud Dog will not sign a litter registration application which includes in the count any puppies with a color disqualification (Art. 5. Page 4). Monorchids are not considered breeding stock.
4. Any bitch accepted for stud service should be at least eighteen months of age, in good health, free from communicable diseases and disqualifying faults. The bitch must be accompanied by a current Veterinarian's certificate stating that she is free of Canine Brucellosis. It is the responsibility of the stud dog owner to properly provide for all visiting bitches' safety and security. Each bitch must be bred only to the stud dog specified by her owner. A change of stud dog is only permitted with the express consent of the owner of the bitch and should be included as an amendment to the Stud Contract.
5. Bitches should be bred only between the ages of eighteen months and 6 years and not more than once a year.
6. Breeders will keep accurate breeding papers, pedigrees and contracts.
Health and Maintenance
1. Breeders should encourage the X-raying, OFA certifying of hips, as well as testing for thyroid and other determinable conditions which would affect the health of their dogs or the offspring of same.
2. Tail docking, removal of dew claws and ear cropping are appropriate for the well-being of the Breed. Corrective cosmetic surgery will not be performed on Boxers. If and when such corrective surgery becomes a necessity, the dog will no longer be exhibited, if such alteration is not acceptable to stated AKC policies.
3. Members of The American Boxer Club will strive to maintain their Boxers' condition, health and quarters in a manner which is above reproach in every respect.
There are two ways to register puppies for the first time with the "blue registration application" slip.
American Boxer Club Members are encouraged to indicate application for a limited registration for the following:
a. Boxers being purchased only as registered companion pets.
b. Boxers that are not considered sound, or not of breeding quality including monorchids.
Note: The limited registration registers the puppy; it does not allow the registration of any offspring from the mature dog. The breeder of the dog can cancel the limited registration should the puppy at maturity be considered of breeding quality.
Register Boxers who are sound, healthy, typey, considered to be of breeding quality and are free of disqualifying faults under the Standard of the Breed (Art. 5).
1. All sales of puppies and adults should include:
a. AKC registration application papers
b. Signed Bill of Sale
c. An accurate three generation pedigree
d. ABC Brochure and/or copy of the Standard of the Breed
e. Health record including shots given, diet and care information
Note: Registration papers may be withheld at the time of the sale in such cases of prior agreement in writing.
Example: Spay/neuter agreement; Breeding/Lease agreement or other similar contracted agreement, which would delay transfer of ownership until completion of contract.
2. If possible, puppies should remain in their litter environment until at least 7 weeks of age* (see note below).
3. Purchasers should be urged to spay or neuter all pets.
4. Misleading or untruthful statements must not be used in the selling or advertising of puppies. Misrepresentation of American Boxer Club awards, A.K.C. and/or foreign titles must be carefully avoided.
5. American Boxer Club Members will at all times strive to be accurate and honest to the best of their ability in appraising the quality of Boxers being offered for sale or placement with reference to the Standard of the Breed.
6. All contracts must be clear and complete with any and all conditions stated. A signed copy must be provided to each party involved.
7. During the life of any Boxer sold or placed, the breeder should endeavor to help the owner in every reasonable way.
8. Prospective buyers should be screened on their desire and ultimate intent for each Boxer. Their interest and ability to provide a safe, adequate and loving home should be determined. Fenced yards and crates should be recommended.
9. American Boxer Club members and member clubs will help educate the public on the Standard of the Breed and care of the Boxer in areas where they are qualified.
*Note: Some States have laws that puppies cannot be separated from their mothers until 8 weeks of age. Check your local and state regulations.
The Boxer Standard defines the following disqualifications: "Boxers that are of any color other than fawn or brindle. Boxers with a total of white markings exceeding one-third of the entire coat."
Section 1--- The following infractions are considered to be actions contrary to the best interest of the breed and/or the American Boxer Club.
a. Registration with the American Kennel Club of an individual Boxer of any color not allowed by the Standard adopted for the breed by the American Boxer Club, approved by the American Kennel Club and in force at the time of the Infraction.
b. Providing a registration application (blue slip) for a Boxer of any color not allowed by the Standard.
c. Signing an application for registration of a litter with the American Kennel Club which includes in the count one or more puppies of a color not allowed by the Standard.
d. Signing an application for registration with the American Kennel Club of a litter whose sire and/or dam are of a color not allowed by the Standard.
e. Selling or consigning for resale a Boxer of a color not allowed by the Standard.
f. Selling or consigning for resale a Boxer whose sire and/or dam are of a color not allowed by the Standard.
g. Selling, consigning or disposing of a puppy or an adult Boxer to a pet shop, chain of pet shops or any commercial dealer or commercial kennel for resale.
Section 2--- Charges may be brought against a member or a member club for actions listed in Section 1 of this Article, as defined in Article VIII, Section 2 of the By-Laws of the American Boxer Club.
Adopted by the Membership: March 31, 1994